Friday, January 29, 2010

Cool app for pets. Pets next door.

My mom and I are really enjoying this fun app and I think those of you pals out there in doggie bloggie space whose folks own an iPhone should sign up for this free app where we get to be cool pets and be friends and make new friends from all around the world!

You really need to check it out. You can pick favorites, leave them comments, rate them with little hearts, post stories and photos. Here is my screenshot of my profile:

It's called Pets Next Door. Look for it in iTunes apps.

- Passionately brought to you via my iPhone.


  1. Hmmm...I might have to check this out. Thanks. :)

  2. Love all these cool posts I missed over the last few days!! Good thing your mom has an iphone! My mom has a black berry. Glad your leggy is better and you have a great new chair to sit on!


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